SCOLAR: ‘Story Quest’ Programme

日期: 24/10/2022

    The dedicated team from SCOLAR visited our school once again this year. It’s truly an event we look forward to having on our calendar.  Our P.3 students assembled in the school hall and were asked to look at a picture on the screen.  In the picture was a boy almost completely covered in clothes and toys. The SCOLAR presenter asked the students what they thought of the picture.  After some discussion it was agreed that the boy had a very messy bedroom and it needed to be cleaned!


      There were many opportunities for our students to participate, solve riddles and express their opinions throughout the activity.  The story was very entertaining and also taught the students the importance of keeping things tidy and clean. It also showed them that teamwork is very important and working together is the best way to accomplish our goals. The concept of teamwork fits in perfectly with our ‘Moral Value Education’ theme this academic year.  The students learned how teamwork and cooperation make our lives and daily tasks stronger by coming together as a community or family.  The story, ‘No More Mess’ demonstrates how these notions really do work!


        We will look forward to having SCOLAR come visit us again next year as it always proves to be a fun, educational and engaging morning of English activities.

  • Students sharing their answers in the ‘Treasure Hunt’ activity.

  • Reading aloud an answer in the ‘matching’ exercise.

  • Writing a summary of the story.

  • Independent reading of the story, ‘No More Mess’.
