First Term English Phonics Worksheet (1)
Unit 2: Sports Day

A: Superlatives (-est)
        It’s easy to spell adjectives and adverbs ending in -est correctly! There are 4 rules.
1. est
Add   est to one-syllable adjectives and adverbs.
long –longest                  quick –quickest
2. /st
For one-syllable adjectives and adverbs that end in –e or two-syllable adjectives that end in –le, just add -st.
wide –widest                  simple –simplest
3. y i + est
For two-syllable adjectives that end with a consonant + y, change the y to i and add -est.
easy – easiest                           tidy –tidiest
4. x2 + est
For one-syllable adjectives and adverbs that end with consonant-vowel-consonant, double the final consonant and add -est.
hot – hottest                            big –biggest

      Do not double the final consonants -x, -w, or –y.    e.g: low –lowest

Match the voiceless ‘th’ word to its picture with a line.

Practise:  Add –est and put the words in the correct columns.

nice                           fast                           messy                           tall                           slim                          safe                           scary                        hard

+ /est      


+ /st

y à i + /est

x2 + /est

Read the passage and circle the ‘-est’ words.

     Today was the greatest day ever.  I was the fastest runner in the 100m race.  I wasn’t the fittest person last year but I trained the hardest of all my classmates for this year’s race.  This is the happiest I have been in the longest time! 

B: The ‘-ast’ sound.

Read the passage and circle the ‘-ast’ words.

This summer was such a blast!
I really wished it would last and last.
But now the summer is in the past!
It really went by way too fast!




Listen to your teacher.  Circle the ‘-ast’ or ‘-est’ sound.


