Second Term English Phonics Worksheet ( 3 )
Unit 3: Open Day with Open Arms

A. The Suffix ‘-ed’ making the ‘d’ sound . 
      - Examples: cleaned, loved,  filledand stirred
I. Listen and circle the words with the silent ‘d’ sound    








II. Listen and read the passage, circle the ‘-ed’ words with the ‘d’ sound.

My mother is really steamed at me today.  Yesterday she asked me to clean my room.  I still haven’t cleaned it yet, I kind of hoped she would forget about it but she hasn’t.  My mom told me my room smelled like dirty socks and that the rubbish bin was filled to the top.  She just called me now from work and warned me to clean it before she gets home. If I don’t, no wi-fi for a week!

B.  The ‘-ed’ making the ‘t’ or ‘id’ sound
Examples: ‘t’  -  cooked, licked,  kissed, brushed, reached or hopped. 
‘id’- waited, visited, edited, landed or ended

I. Listen to your teacher, circle the ‘t’ or ‘id’ sound after you hear each word.

picked    ‘t’  /  ‘id’

dated   ‘t’  /  ‘id’

started  ‘t’  /  ‘id’

cooked  ‘t’  /  ‘id’

wasted  ‘t’  /  ‘id’

approached  ‘t’  /  ‘id’






II. ‘id’ or ‘t’?  Read each sentence.  Circle the words ending in ‘-ed’ with the ‘t’ sound.  Underline the words ending in ‘-ed’ with the ‘id’ sound.

1. My mother cooked me a yummy meal yesterday, it smelled so good.

2. I waited for the bus, finally it arrived 30 minutes late.

3. I updated the software and cleaned the keyboard on your computer.

4. My dog is funny, he licked my face when I yelled at him.

5. I missed the school picnic because I injured my foot in PE class.

6. Peter popped some balloons at his birthday party.

7. We travelled all night, our flight landed back in Hong Kong at 6 am.