First Term English Phonics Worksheet ( 5 )
Unit 6: Hong Kong: Past and Present

A: Short ‘u’ sound: as in duck or fun

Riddles: The answers are words with a short ‘u’ sound.

1. What’s always up in the sky but we
can’t see it at night?____________

2. We sit or lay down in this and it’s in
your bathroom.__________

3. We can chew this and it’s tasty for a
4. If something is not tasty, we can say
this. ___________!

Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks with a short ‘u’ word.

1.  Yesterday, I was taking a mini_______ to the beach.
2.  Suddenly a big ___________ stopped in the road in front of _____. 
3.  We were ___________ to stop in time.
4.  It turns out there was a family of ________________ crossing the road.


B: The Long ‘u’ sound.

It is not always a perfect long ‘u’ sound as in unit or use.   Listen for the ‘ew’ sound as in flu or juice.
( flu rhymes with new and too)

Long ‘U’ Song (Happy Birthday tune)

Flu and glue rhyme with zoo,
Rule and mule rhyme with pool.
They make the long ‘u’ sound
Flu, glue, rule and mule.




Listen to your teacher and circle the correct sounds.




1.  Short u

Long u

3.  Short u

Long u

5. Short u

Long u

7. Short u

Long u

2. Short u

Long u

4. Short u

Long u

6. Short u

Long u

8. Short u

Long u